ridícul-ridiculous: meaning, definitions and translations

Catalan dictionaryCatalanEnglish

What is ridícul? ridícul is ridiculous

What is ridiculous?

  • Que provoca el riure o la burla per la seva raresa, extravagància o lletjor.

    It provokes laughter or mockery for its rarity, extravagance or ugliness.

  • Que és escàs o de poca importància: no vull discutir per una cosa tan ridícula.

    Which is scarce or of little importance: I don't want to argue for something so ridiculous.

  • Situació que pateix una persona i que provoca el riure o la burla en l'altra gent: no tenia el discurs ben preparat i he fet el ridícul.

    Situation suffered by a person and that causes laughter or mockery in other people: I did not have the speech well prepared and I made the ridiculous.

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