repartir-to deliver: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is repartir?repartir is to deliver

What is to deliver?

  • Fer parts d'una cosa i entregar a cadascú la part que li correspon: el nen va repartir el seu pastís d'aniversari.
    Make parts of something and give each one the part that corresponds to him: the child distributed his birthday cake.
  • Distribuir els elements d'un conjunt en diferents llocs o destins: reparteix les flors per tota la casa, que farà més bonic.
    Distribute the elements of a set in different places or destinations: distribute the flowers throughout the house, which will make it more beautiful.
  • Entregar als seus destinataris les coses que han encarregat o que els han enviat: cada matí el carter reparteix el correu pel barri.
    Deliver to their recipients the things they have ordered or sent them: every morning the postman distributes the mail around the neighborhood.
  • Distribuir en parts una feina i assignar a cadascú la funció que li correspon: per poder acabar abans ens hem hagut de repartir la feina.
    Distribute a job in parts and assign each one the function that corresponds to them: in order to finish earlier we have had to distribute the work.