renunciar-give up: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

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Co jest renunciar?renunciar jest give up

Co jest give up?

  • Abandonar algú, per voluntat pròpia, una cosa que li pertany o a la qual té dret: va renunciar els diners per donar-los als seus fills; va renunciar als diners per donar-los als seus fills.
    Abandon someone, of his own free will, something that belongs to him or to which he is entitled: he gave up the money to give it to his children; He gave up the money to give it to his children.
  • Desistir de fer algú el que pretenia fer o el que tenia dret a fer: ha renunciat a la pintura per treballar a l'empresa dels pares.
    Desisting from doing someone what he intended to do or what he had the right to do: he has given up painting to work in the parents' company.