rebombori-Robin: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is rebombori?rebombori is Robin

What is Robin?

  • Soroll fort i confús de gent que parla o crida, de coses que es fan moure i cauen, etc.: a la festa hi va haver un gran rebombori. sin:  batibull,  enrenou,  xivarri
    Loud noise and confusing to people who speak or call, things that will make them move and fall off, etc: at the party there was a great uproar. Sin: hodgepodge, rampage, rampage
  • Alteració o pèrdua de la tranquil·litat, del silenci o de l'ordre: la notícia del cop d'estat ha provocat un gran rebombori als carrers. sin:  aldarull,  avalot,  esvalot
    Alteration or loss of tranquillity, silence or of the order: the news of the coup d ' état has caused a great uproar in the streets. Sin: riot, riot, loud noise