prima-Premium: význam, definice a překlady

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Co je prima? prima je Premium

Co je Premium?

  • Quantitat de diners que es concedeix com a estímul o recompensa per animar o incentivar una persona en la seva feina.

    Amount of money given as a stimulus or reward to encourage or encourage a person in their work.

  • Quantitat de diners que es paga per tenir una assegurança: he de pagar una prima de 60 euros mensuals per l'assegurança.

    Amount of money paid to have insurance: I have to pay a premium of 60 euros per month for the insurance.

  • Que no té gaire gruix: la copa s'ha trencat perquè és feta d'un cristall molt prim.

    It does not have much thickness: the cup has been broken because it is made of a very thin crystal.

  • [persona, animal] Que no té gaire greix i pesa relativament poc. sin:  magre

    [person, animal] It doesn't have much fat and weighs relatively little. sin: lean

  • Que no té gaire consistència, densitat o substància: parlava amb una veu tan prima que gairebé no el sentíem.

    That he doesn't have much consistency, density or substance: he spoke in a voice so thin that we hardly heard it.

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