plata-Plata: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is plata?plata is Plata

What is Plata?

  • Metall preciós inoxidable, de color blanc grisós, brillant i molt dúctil, usat en les monedes i en joieria: el símbol de la plata és Ag. sin:  argent
    Stainless precious metal, grayish white, bright and very ductile, used on coins and in jewelry: the symbol of silver is Ag. sin: silver
  • Conjunt d'objectes d'argent treballat que posseeix algú o que pertanyen a una casa: els lladres es van endur tota la plata de l'aparador. sin:  argent
    Set of worked silver objects that someone owns or that belong to a house: the thieves took all the silver from the window. sin: silver
  • Plat gran ovalat, generalment fondo, que s'utilitza per servir certs menjars a taula: porta la plata d'amanida. sin:  plàtera
    Large oval dish, usually fondo, which is used to serve certain meals at the table: bring the salad silver. sin: plank