pesar-weigh: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is pesar?pesar is weigh

What is weigh?

  • Penediment per haver fet o haver deixat de fer alguna cosa: tinc un gran pesar pel que et vaig dir ahir.
    Regret for having done or stopped doing something: I have a great weight for what I told you yesterday.
  • Mesurar un pes determinat: aquesta bossa pesa tres quilos.
    Measure a certain weight: this bag weighs three kilos.
  • Determinar el pes o la massa d'algú o d'alguna cosa mitjançant un instrument: el carnisser pesa la carn amb la balança.
    Determine the weight or mass of someone or something using an instrument: the butcher weighs the meat with the scale.
  • Examinar atentament els avantatges i inconvenients d'alguna cosa: peseu bé les vostres paraules abans de dir-les. sin:  calibrar
    Carefully examine the advantages and disadvantages of something - weigh your words carefully before saying them. Sin: calibrate
  • Tenir pes, especialment tenir molt de pes: no has de carregar coses que pesen.
    Have weight, especially have a lot of weight: you don't have to carry things that weigh.
  • Tenir prou importància algú o alguna cosa: hi ha una sèrie de raons que pesen sobre aquest afer.
    Someone or something matters enough: there are a number of reasons that weigh on this issue.
  • Produir penediment, pena o dolor algun esdeveniment: li pesava no haver pogut parlar amb ella abans de marxar. sin:  recar
    An event was regretful, sorry or painful: it hurt him not to have been able to talk to her before leaving. SIN: RECAR