passat-past: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is passat? passat is past

What is past?

  • [temps] Que és anterior al present: el temps passat.

    [time] That is prior to the present: the last time.

  • Immediatament anterior al moment actual: la setmana passada vam anar al cinema.

    Immediately prior to the present moment: last week we went to the movies.

  • Moment temporal anterior al present: van festejar molts anys, però això ja pertany al passat.

    Temporary time prior to the present: they celebrate many years old, but it already belongs to the past.

  • gramàtica Forma verbal que expressa una acció anterior al present o a una altra acció: la forma estimava o estimà són passats del verb estimar.

    verbal Form grammar that expresses an action prior to the present or to another action: the way I loved or estimated are passed from the verb to love.

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