parlar-talk: meaning, definitions and translations

Catalan dictionaryCatalanEnglish

What is parlar?parlar is talk

What is talk?

  • Acció d'expressar-se o de comunicar-se una persona mitjançant paraules.
    Action to express or communicate a person by means of words.
  • Ús particular i individual que cada persona fa de la llengua: cadascú té el seu propi parlar. sin:  parla
    Private use and that each individual person makes the language: each one has its own talking. Sin: speaks
  • Sistema de paraules que fa servir una comunitat de parlants per comunicar-se: el parlar mallorquí. sin:  idioma,  llengua,  parla
    The system of words used by a community of speakers to communicate: the talk about Mallorca. Sin: language, language, speech
  • Manera d'expressar-se o de pronunciar que té una persona: té un parlar aspre. sin:  parla
    Way to express themselves or to pronounce that a person has: it has a rough talk. Sin: speaks
  • gramàtica Modalitat de llengua pròpia d'un grup social determinat, caracteritzada per un vocabulari i per uns trets fonètics i morfosintàctics més o menys diferenciats: el parlar col·loquial.
    grammar form of language of a particular social group, characterized by a vocabulary and phonetic features and morfosintàctics more or less differentiated: the colloquial speaking.
  • Expressar-se o comunicar-se una persona mitjançant paraules: els nens d'un any no saben parlar. sin:  enraonar
    To express or communicate a person by means of words: children of one year do not know how to speak. Sin: enraonar
  • Pronunciar o articular sons una persona: parla tan malament que no se l'entén.
    Pronounce or articulate sounds a person: speak so badly that no one understands.
  • Conversar dues o més persones sobre un assumpte: ahir vaig parlar llargament amb el meu pare. sin:  enraonar,  xerrar
    Talk to two or more persons on a subject: yesterday I spoke at length with my father. Sin: enraonar, chat
  • Pronunciar una persona un discurs: ha parlat davant d'un auditori ple a vessar.
    To pronounce a person a speech: he has spoken in front of an auditorium packed to overflowing.
  • Comunicar-se dues o més persones mitjançant signes diferents de la parla: els sordmuts es parlen per signes.
    Communicate with two or more persons by means of different signs of speech: the sordmuts will speak for signs.
  • Murmurar sobre un assumpte o sobre una cosa o criticar-los: a la gent, li agrada molt parlar dels altres.
    Muttered about an issue or something or criticize them: people, likes to talk of others.
  • Dir la veritat o tot el que se sap sobre un assumpte: el presoner diu que no parlarà. sin:  confessar
    Tell the truth and all that is known about a subject: the prisoner says he does not speak. Sin: confess
  • Tractar un assumpte de paraula o per escrit: n'hem de parlar amb el cap, d'això.
    Try an issue of Word or in writing: we have to talk to the head of it.
  • Tractar un tema determinat: avui parlarem de literatura.
    Try a certain topic: today we will talk about literature.
  • Tractar un tema determinat en un escrit: l'autora no en parla, de la guerra.
    Try a certain topic in a letter: the author does not speak of the war.
  • Donar a una persona un tractament determinat en dirigir-s'hi: parlar de vostè; parlar de tu.
    Give a person a certain treatment in leading to it: talking about you; talk about you.
  • Conèixer i poder fer servir un idioma per expressar-se o comunicar-se: parla bé l'anglès, l'alemany i l'italià.
    Know and be able to use a language to express or communicate: speak good English, German and Italian.
  • Expressar una cosa per mitjà de paraules: parla moltes animalades. sin:  dir
    Expressing something through words: talk about a lot of silly things. Sin: saying