pare-father: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

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pare nedir?pare father anlamına gelmektedir

father nedir?

  • Home que ha engendrat un o més fills: va ser pare als vint anys.
    A man who has spawned one or more children: he was a father in his twenties.
  • Home respecte als seus fills: el seu pare va morir jove pare adoptiu Home que pren legalment com a fill propi algú que ha nascut d'uns altres pares. pare polític Pare del cònjuge d'una persona respecte a aquesta persona.
    Man with respect to his children: his father died young adoptive father Man who legally takes as his own son someone who was born from other parents. political father Father of the spouse of a person with respect to this person.
  • Capellà o religiós: farà la missa el pare Miquel sant pare Màxima autoritat de l'Església catòlica: per Cap d'Any el sant pare fa un discurs. També papa.
    Chaplain or religious: Father Michael will make mass, father Maxima of the Catholic Church: on New Year's Eve the holy father gives a speech. So is Daddy.
  • En el cristianisme, Déu creador de totes les coses.
    In Christianity, God creator of all things.
  • Pare i mare d'una persona: em vindran a buscar els meus pares.
    Father and mother of a person: my parents will come for me.