negoci-business: signification, définitions et traductions

Catalan dictionnaire%dictionary_xs%Anglais

Qu'est-ce qu'un negoci?negoci est business

Qu'est-ce qu'un business?

  • Ocupació, activitat o feina que es fa per obtenir un benefici, especialment la que consisteix a comprar i vendre mercaderies o serveis: ha llogat un local per muntar-hi un negoci. sin:  comerç
    Employment, activity or work that is done to obtain a profit, especially the one that consists of buying and selling goods or services: you have rented a premises to set up a business there. sin: trade
  • Guany o benefici que s'obté d'una activitat comercial o d'alguna altra mena: va fer molt bon negoci muntant una fleca negoci rodó Negoci molt favorable.
    Profit or profit obtained from a commercial activity or some other type: he did very good business setting up a round business bakery Business very favorable.
  • Establiment on es venen mercaderies o es fan activitats comercials: es passa el dia al seu negoci. sin:  botiga,  comerç
    Establishment where goods are sold or commercial activities are carried out: you spend the day in your business. sin: shop, commerce
  • Afer o tema que ocupa una persona: està ficat en negocis una mica tèrbols.
    Affair or topic occupied by a person: he is involved in somewhat turbulent business.