mercat-market: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is mercat? mercat is market

What is market?

  • Lloc o edifici públic on es compren i venen mercaderies: sovint compra la fruita, la verdura i el peix al mercat. sin:  plaça

    Public place or building where goods are bought and sold: you often buy fruit, vegetables and fish at the market. sin: square

  • Reunió en un lloc públic de venedors i comerciants per vendre mercaderies: dissabte hi ha mercat a la rambla.

    Meeting in a public place of vendors and merchants to sell goods: Saturday there are market on la rambla.

  • Activitat de compra i venda de mercaderies i serveis: el mercat de treball mercat negre Compra, venda o permuta clandestina de productes: pot ser perillós canviar moneda al mercat negre.

    Activity of purchase and sale of goods and services: the black market Buying, selling or swap clandestine products: it can be dangerous to exchange currency on the black market.

  • Conjunt de possibles compradors d'una mercaderia o d'un servei: tot i que són productes cars, tenen un mercat ampli.

    Set of possible buyers of a merchandise or service: although they are expensive products, they have a wide market.

  • Conjunt d'operacions financeres que regeixen l'economia: el mercat funciona per la llei de l'oferta i la demanda.

    Set of financial operations that govern the economy: the market works by the law of supply and demand.

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