manifestar-manifest: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

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manifestar nedir? manifestar manifest anlamına gelmektedir

manifest nedir?

  • Donar a conèixer amb paraules o amb altres signes externs un pensament o un sentiment: va manifestar la seva opinió sobre el programa; es manifesta a través del seu art. sin:  comunicar,  expressar

    To make known with words or with other external signs a thought or feeling: he expressed his opinion about the program; manifests itself through its art. sin: communicating, expressing

  • Mostrar o fer evident una cosa: aquells crits manifestaven por.

    Showing or making one thing obvious: those screams expressed fear.

  • manifestar-se  Participar en una manifestació o concentració pública.

    demonstrate Participate in a public demonstration or rally.

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