ingressar-Enter: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is ingressar? ingressar is Enter

What is Enter?

  • Entrar en un hospital o algun altre establiment sanitari per sotmetre's a un tractament mèdic: un dels ferits de l'accident ha ingressat molt greu al centre hospitalari.

    Enter a hospital or other medical establishment to submit to medical treatment: one of the injured from the accident has entered very serious at the hospital.

  • Començar a formar part d'un grup, un conjunt, o una institució: ingressar a la facultat.

    Start to form part of a group, a group, or an institution: enter the faculty.

  • Dipositar diners en un banc o una caixa d'estalvis perquè els guardin.

    Deposit money in a bank or savings bank to store it.

  • Guanyar diners d'una manera periòdica i regular: amb les entrades dels diumenges el club ingressa molts diners.

    Making money in a periodic and regular basis: with tickets on Sundays the club enters a lot of money.

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