hisenda-the Treasury: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is hisenda? hisenda is the Treasury

What is the Treasury?

  • Propietat rural d'una persona o d'una família: té una hisenda d'una gran extensió. sin:  heretat

    Rural property of a person or of a family: it has a Treasury of a great extension. Sin: inherited

  • Conjunt de possessions i riqueses que té una persona: heretarà tota la hisenda del seu pare. sin:  cabal

    Set of possessions and wealth that a person has: he will inherit all his father's estate. Sin: flow rate

  • A l'Estat espanyol, ministeri que s'encarrega de recaptar els impostos i d'administrar els béns i les riqueses de l'estat.

    In Spain, a ministry responsible for collecting taxes and managing the assets and wealth of the state.

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