haverhaving: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الكتالانية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىhaver؟ معنى haver هو having

ما معنىhaving؟

  • Conjunt de béns, drets i crèdits que algú posseeix.

    Set of goods, rights and credits that someone owns.

  • Posseir una cosa o tenir-la com a pròpia. sin:  heure,  tenir

    Possessing a thing or have it as their own. Sin: l'Heure, have

  • S'usa, junt amb el participi de qualsevol verb, per formar els temps compostos, que denoten que l'acció, el procés o l'estat expressat pel verb principal ja ha acabat: quan va arribar, jo ja havia dinat; he anat a Mataró.

    It is used, along with the past participle of any verb, to form the compound time, which denote that the action, the process or State expressed by the main verb has already done: when he arrived, I had already they have; I've been in Mataró.

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