gaire-much: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

Catalaans woordenboek%dictionary_xs%Engels

What is gaire? gaire is much

What is much?

  • Indica quantitat i significa molt; es fa servir precedit de no o sense i en oracions interrogatives i condicionals: no tinc gaires ganes d'anar al teatre; tens gaires ganes d'anar-hi?; si tens gaire por, truca'm.

    Indicate quantity and means a lot; It is used in interrogative sentences preceded or not and conditional: I have a lot of desire to go to the theater; you many want to go there?; If you have a lot of fear, call me.

  • En quantitat o molt: no s'ho va pensar gaire abans de fugir.

    In quantity or lot: not so much thought before fleeing.

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