fruit-as a result: significato, definizioni e traduzioni

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Cos'è fruit? fruit è as a result

Cos'è as a result?

  • Part de la planta que conté les llavors, coberta per pell o clofolla, que procedeix del desenvolupament de l'ovari i que se separa de la planta quan està madura: la taronja és el fruit del taronger fruit sec Fruit que no té humitat o l'ha perdut i es pot conservar durant molt temps: la nou i l'avellana són fruits secs.

    Part of the plant that contains seeds, covered by skin or husk, which comes from the development of the ovary and are separated from the plant when mature: the Orange is the fruit of the Orange fruit dry Fruit that has no moisture or has been lost and can be preserved for a long time: the new and the hazelnut are nuts.

  • Producte de la terra que té una utilitat: la terra ja ha donat els seus fruits.

    Product of the land that has a utility: the earth has already borne its fruits.

  • Infant que una dona duu al seu ventre: el fruit de les seves entranyes.

    Child that a woman carries in her belly: the fruit of her entrails.

  • Producte de la ment o del treball humà: aquesta enciclopèdia és fruit de l'esforç.

    Product of the mind or human work: this encyclopedia is the result of effort.

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