estranya-bizarre: significato, definizioni e traduzioni

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Cos'è estranya?estranya è bizarre

Cos'è bizarre?

  • Que és rar o diferent del que es considera normal: és estrany que tu em facis aquesta pregunta.
    That is weird or different from what is considered normal: it is rare that you do me this question.
  • Que no té part en el que s'expressa: no va participar en l'assumpte i es va mantenir estrany als problemes que van sorgir.
    It has no part in what is expressed: was not involved in the matter and remained strange to the problems that arose.
  • [cosa] Que es desconeix o s'ignora i del qual no es comprèn la naturalesa ni les qualitats: la química és una matèria estranya per a nosaltres. sin:  desconegut
    [thing] That it is unknown or ignored and from which nature and qualities are not understood: chemistry is a foreign matter for us. Sin: Unknown
  • Persona que pertany a un grup o cercle no conegut: em pensava que a la festa hi hauria gent coneguda, però només hi havia estranys.
    Person belonging to an unfamiliar group or circle: I thought there would be people at the party, but there were only strangers.