escolta-listen to: meaning, definitions and translations

Catalan dictionaryCatalanEnglish

What is escolta?escolta is listen to

What is listen to?

  • Fet d'escoltar: fer escoltes telefòniques és escoltar converses per telèfon amb unes connexions especials.
    To listen: do phone tapping is to listen to talks by phone with special connections.
  • Persona destinada a escoltar el que es diu, a espiar o a descobrir l'enemic.
    Person to listen to what is said, to spy or to discover the enemy.
  • De l'escoltisme o relacionat amb aquest moviment: moviment escolta.
    The Scouting or related to this movement: the Scout movement.
  • Noi o noia joves que formen part d'un grup d'escoltisme.
    Boy or girl young people who are part of a group of Scouting.