distret-distracted: Bedeutung, Definitionen und Übersetzungen


Was heißt distret? distret heißt distracted

Was heißt distracted?

  • [persona] Que perd l'atenció amb facilitat i per això actua i parla sense adonar-se del que fa o diu o del que passa al seu entorn: és tan distret que sovint s'equivoca d'autobús.

    [person] That he loses his attention easily and that is why he acts and speaks without realizing what he does or says or what is happening in his environment: he is so distracted that he often mistakes buses.

  • Que fa passar el temps de manera agradable: no és pot dir que sigui una pel·lícula gaire bona, però és distreta.

    Which makes time pass in a pleasant way: you can't say it's a very good movie, but it's distracting.

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