defensa-Defense: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

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defensa nedir?defensa Defense anlamına gelmektedir

Defense nedir?

  • Protecció d'algú o d'alguna cosa contra un atac, un perill o un mal: va sortir en defensa meva quan estaven a punt de pegar-me.
    Protection of someone or something against an attack, a danger or evil: it came out in my defense when they were about to hit me.
  • Edifici, arma o cosa que serveix per protegir d'un atac, d'un perill o d'un mal: les muralles són una defensa del poble.
    Building, weapon or thing that serves to protect from an attack, a danger or evil: the walls are a defense of the people.
  • Advocat o conjunt d'advocats que defensen l'acusat en un judici.
    Lawyer or group of lawyers defending the defendant in court.
  • Raó o motiu amb què s'intercedeix per l'acusat en un judici: l'advocada ha basat la defensa de l'acusat en el fet que ell no té antecedents legítima defensa Circumstància que eximeix de culpabilitat: va actuar en legítima defensa perquè el volien matar.
    Reason or reason why he intercedes with the defendant in a trial: the lawyer has based the defendant's defense on the fact that he has no legitimate history of defense Circumstance that exempts him from guilt: he acted in legitimate defense because they wanted to kill him.
  • Jugador que forma part de la línia del darrere d'un equip i que, en esports com el futbol, protegeix la porteria pròpia: el defensa va provocar un penal.
    Player who is part of the back line of a team and who, in sports such as football, protects his own goal: the defender caused a penalty.
  • defenses  Formacions del seu cos que un animal fa servir per protegir-se o atacar: les defenses d'un eriçó són les punxes.
    Defenses Body formations that an animal uses to protect itself or attack: the defenses of a hedgehog are spikes.