cartera- wallet: význam, definície a preklady

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Čo je cartera?cartera je wallet

Čo je wallet?

  • Bossa en forma de llibre, generalment de pell, proveïda de compartiments interiors per guardar-hi bitllets de banc o papers que cal portar al damunt: quants diners portes a la cartera?
    Bag in the form of a book, usually of leather, equipped with interior compartments to keep bank notes or papers that you need to get on top: how much money in the portfolio?
  • Bossa rectangular o quadrada de pell o d'un altre material, amb nansa i tapa, que serveix per portar papers o llibres.
    Square or rectangular bag of skin or another material, with handle and lid, which serves to bring papers or books.
  • Departament que és encarregat a un ministre: no se sap qui ocuparà la cartera de finances.
    Department that is commissioned by a minister: it is not known who will occupy the finance portfolio.
  • Conjunt de valors d'un negoci, generalment un banc o un comerç. sin:  carterista
    Set of securities of a business, usually a bank or a trade. sin: postman
  • Persona que es dedica a repartir les cartes i els paquets de correus.
    Person who distributes letters and mail packages.