balcó-balcony: significato, definizioni e traduzioni

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Cos'è balcó? balcó è balcony

Cos'è balcony?

  • Obertura, generalment de l'alçada d'una porta, feta a la paret d'un edifici per il·luminar-ne i ventilar-ne l'interior: obriu les finestres i els balcons.

    Opening, usually of the height of a door, made on the wall of a building to illuminate and ventilate its interior: open the windows and balconies.

  • Espai exterior i elevat que sobresurt de la façana d'un edifici, al qual s'accedeix a través d'aquesta obertura: sortim al balcó a prendre la fresca.

    Exterior and elevated space that stands out from the façade of a building, which is accessed through this opening: we go out to the balcony to take the fresh air.

  • Conjunt de marcs i batents de fusta o d'alumini que tanquen aquesta obertura: hem de canviar els balcons de la sala.

    Set of wooden or aluminum frames and panels that close this opening: we have to change the balconies of the room.

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