avinguda-Avenue: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is avinguda? avinguda is Avenue

What is Avenue?

  • Via d'accés a un lloc, especialment via vorejada d'arbres, ampla i que porta a un edifici, una plaça o un indret importants: al capdamunt de l'avinguda es troba el palau reial. sin:  bulevard,  passeig

    Via access to a site, especially via tree-lined, wide and that leads to a building, a place or an important place: the top of the Avenue you will find the Royal Palace. Sin: Boulevard, Paseo

  • Crescuda d'un cabal d'aigua, especialment en un barranc, una riera, etc: una avinguda s'ha endut els cotxes aparcats a la riera. sin:  riuada,  torrentada

    Flood of water flow, especially in a ravine, a riera, etc: an avenue has been swept away parked cars in the Creek. Sin: flood, torrentada

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