advocat-Attorney: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

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Co jest advocat?advocat jest Attorney

Co jest Attorney?

  • Persona legalment autoritzada per defensar els seus clients en un judici, representar-los o aconsellar-los. advocat d'ofici Advocat que assigna la llei per defensar o representar les persones que no poden o no volen pagar-se un advocat.
    Person legally authorized to defend their clients in a trial, represent them or advise them. lawyer by trade Lawyer who assigns the law to defend or represent people who cannot or do not want to pay a lawyer.
  • Persona que intercedeix perquè dues parts arribin a un acord: sempre he de fer d'advocat de les vostres discussions.
    Person who intercedes for two parties to come to an agreement: I always have to be a lawyer for your discussions.