acceptar-accept: význam, definice a překlady

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Co je acceptar?acceptar je accept

Co je accept?

  • Consentir a prendre o a rebre alguna cosa: segur que acceptarà el nostre regal; és molt arriscat acceptar tanta responsabilitat.
    Consent to take or receive something: are you sure you will accept our gift; It is very risky to accept such responsibility.
  • Aprovar o donar per bo: han acceptat el meu article per publicar-lo a la revista.
    Approve or give for good: have accepted my article for publication in the journal.
  • Mostrar-se conforme amb una idea o un assumpte d'algú altre: sempre he acceptat les teves teories però ara hi estic en desacord; faci el favor d'acceptar les meves excuses.
    Shown in accordance with an idea or a matter of someone else: I've always accepted your theories but now I disagree; you please accept my excuses.
  • Admetre algú al si d'un grup: farà el que sigui perquè els seus companys l'acceptin.
    To admit someone into a group: will that be because his colleagues accepting.