%%: 意味、定義と翻訳




  • Peça de vestir, llarga i amb mànigues, que es porta damunt l'altra roba i serveix per protegir del fred.
    Garment, long and with sleeves, which is worn on top of the other clothes and serves to protect from the cold.
  • Cosa que abriga: hem dormit al ras, sense cap abric.
    Which is what it is: we have slept in the saddle, without any coat.
  • Lloc on posar-se o posar alguna cosa a cobert de la intempèrie, d'un perill, etc: la cova és un bon abric per a l'ós quan ha d'hivernar. sin:  aixopluc,  resguard
    Place to put or put something covered in weather, danger, etc: the cave is a good coat for the bear when it has to hibernate. sin: shelter, shelter
  • Lloc, generalment a la costa, protegit del vent: el port és l'únic abric de l'illa.
    Place, generally on the coast, protected from the wind: the port is the only shelter on the island.