abandonar-abandon: betydelser, definitioner og oversætninger

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Hvad er abandonar?abandonar hedder abandon

Hvad er abandon?

  • Deixar sola o sense atenció ni cura una persona o una cosa: per res del món no abandonaria els seus fills.
    Leaving a person or something alone or without care or care: nothing in the world would leave their children alone or without care.
  • Apartar-se o anar-se'n d'un lloc: la gent va abandonar la ciutat a causa del terratrèmol.
    Move away or leave a place: people left the city due to the earthquake.
  • Renunciar a continuar fent alguna cosa: quan ha vist que no podia arribar el primer, ha abandonat la cursa.
    Give up doing something: when he saw that the first one could not arrive, he abandoned the race.
  • abandonar-se  No tenir cura d'un mateix: com que mai no surt de casa s'ha anat abandonant.
    abandon yourself Not taking care of yourself: since you never leave home, you have been abandoning yourself.
  • Deixar-se anar sense controlar-se: desesperat, es va abandonar a la beguda.
    Letting go uncontrollably: desperate, he abandoned himself to drinking.