vegliaVigil: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىveglia؟ معنى veglia هو Vigil

ما معنىVigil؟

  • intr. Restare svegli nelle ore notturne normalmente dedicate al sonno: v. fino all’alba v. sui libri ║ estens. Prestare assistenza e cure a qcn. restandogli accanto: v. al capezzale di un infermo.

    Intr. Stay awake at night normally dedicated to sleep: see until dawn see on the books ║ estens. Provide assistance and care to qcn. remaining close to him: see at the bedside of a sick.

  • intr.(fig.). Proteggere qcn., badare, vigilare: v. sui propri figli.

    Intr. (fig.). Protecting qcn., caring, watching: see on one's own children.

  • tr. Prendersi cura di qcn., spec. nelle ore notturne; accudire, assistere: v. un malato ║ Fare la veglia funebre a qcn.: v. un morto.

    Tr. Caring for qcn., spec. at night; to care, to assist: v. a sick person ║ To do the funeral vigil to qcn.: v. a dead.

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