valido-valid: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is valido? valido is valid

What is valid?

  • Resistente, efficiente: un uomo ancora v. nonostante l’età.

    Resistant, efficient: a man still v. despite age.

  • Efficace in rapporto a determinati fini (dare un v. aiuto ; contrapporre ragioni v.), o in quanto corrispondente a determinate condizioni (la votazione non è v. se manca il numero legale ; tiro, colpo v ).

    Effective in relation to certain purposes (to give a v. aid; to oppose reasons v.), or as corresponding to certain conditions (the vote is not v. if there is no quorum; shot, shot v).

  • Significativo, capace, bravo: uno dei più v. scrittori del nostro tempo.

    Significant, capable, good: one of the most visited writers of our time.

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