tributi-tributes: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


tributi คืออะไร tributi แปลว่า tributes

tributes คืออะไร

  • (ECON). Ogni prestazione in denaro dovuta dai cittadini allo stato o ad altro ente pubblico ║ Nell’antica Roma, contribuzione obbligatoria dei cittadini allo stato, pagata in rapporto al censo.

    (ECON). Each cash benefit payable by citizens to the State or other public body ║ in ancient Rome, mandatory contribution of citizens to the State, paid in relation to wealth.

  • fig. Ogni atto in cui si concretizzi o si esprima l’adempimento di un obbligo o il riconoscimento di un merito: t. di riconoscenza t. di sangue.

    Fig. Any act in which the fulfillment of an obligation or the recognition of a merit is concretized or expressed: t. of gratitude t. of blood.

