tinture-dyes: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


tinture คืออะไร tinture แปลว่า dyes

dyes คืออะไร

  • Operazione diretta al conferimento di una colorazione stabile ed uniforme ad un oggetto mediante sostanze coloranti; il risultato ottenuto.

    Direct operation to a stable and uniform coloration to an object by means of colouring matter; the result obtained.

  • Soluzione colorante: t. per capelli.

    Staining solution: t. for hair.

  • (MED). Preparato farmaceutico liquido ottenuto per azione di solventi su sostanze vegetali essiccate: t. di iodio , v. iodio.

    (MED). Pharmaceutical preparation liquid obtained by the action of solvents on dried vegetable matter: t. v. iodine, iodine.

