scagliare-fling: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


scagliare คืออะไร scagliare แปลว่า fling

fling คืออะไร

  • Gettare, lanciare con impeto e con forza un oggetto lontano da sé o contro qcn. o qcs.: s. un piatto contro il muro.

    Throw, throw with force and with strength an object away from you or against qcn. or CSFs.: s. a flat against the wall.

  • fig. Proferire espressioni rabbiose e violente contro qcn.: s. ingiurie.

    Fig. Utter angry and violent expressions against qcn.: s. insults.

  • Gettarsi con violenza contro qcn.: si scagliò contro l’avversario.

    Throwing himself violently against qcn.: he lashed out against the adversary.

  • fig. Inveire contro qcn. o qcs.

    Fig. Rail against qcn. or qcs.

