poggianorest: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإيطالية%dictionary_xs%الإنكليزية

ما معنىpoggiano؟ معنى poggiano هو rest

ما معنىrest؟

  • tr. Lasciare un oggetto in un determinato posto; posare, deporre: poggia pure il soprabito sul letto ║ Mettere una parte del corpo a contatto con una superficie: p. la testa sul cuscino.

    Tr. Leave an object in a certain place; pose, lay: also rest the overcoat on the bed ║ Put a part of the body in contact with a surface: p. the head on the pillow.

  • intr. Sostenersi o reggersi su un determinato sostegno: l’arco poggia su pilastri.

    Intr. Support or stand on a certain support: the arch rests on pillars.

  • intr.(fig.). Di ragionamento, basarsi, fondarsi: su che cosa poggiano i tuoi sospetti? l’accusa poggia su prove certe.

    Intr. (fig.). Of reasoning, to base, to base: on what do your suspicions rest? the accusation is based on certain evidence.

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