persuade-persuades: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

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Co jest persuade? persuade jest persuades

Co jest persuades?

  • Ottenere il consenso di qcn., suscitarne l’approvazione: il concerto ha persuaso anche il pubblico più esigente ║ Ispirare fiducia, andare a genio, piacere: il suo modo di fare non mi persuade.

    Obtaining the consent of qcn., arousing its approval: the concert persuaded even the most demanding audience ║ Inspire confidence, go to genius, pleasure: his way of doing does not persuade me.

  • Convincere: l’ho persuaso dell’onestà delle mie intenzioni mi persuase che era meglio partire lo persuasi a restare.

    Convince: I persuaded him of the honesty of my intentions convinced me that it was better to leave, convinced him to stay.

  • Convincersi: mi persuado sempre più dell’utilità di questa iniziativa.

    Convince yourself: I am becoming more and more convinced of the usefulness of this initiative.

  • Decidersi a compiere un’azione; risolversi: si persuase alla firma del contratto.

    Decide to take an action; Resolve: he was persuaded to sign the contract.

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