ottenne-obtained: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


ottenne คืออะไร ottenne แปลว่า obtained

obtained คืออะไร

  • Riuscire ad avere ciò che si desidera, a raggiungere un determinato scopo: ha ottenuto di poter tenere i figli ottenne che la riunione fosse rimandata.

    Getting what you want to achieve a particular purpose: she got to keep her children obtained that the meeting was postponed.

  • Conseguire come effetto: con la tua ostinazione otterrai solo di peggiorare la situazione.

    Achieve as an effect: with your obstinacy you will only get to make the situation worse.

  • (MAT). Avere come risultato di un’operazione: se moltiplico 5 per 3 ottengo 15.

    (MAT). Having as a result of an operation: if I multiply 5 by 3 I get 15.

  • Ricavare, trarre mediante un procedimento specifico: lo zucchero si ottiene dalla barbabietola.

    Obtain and draw by a specific process: sugar is obtained from beet.

