guance-cheeks: signification, définitions et traductions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un guance? guance est cheeks

Qu'est-ce qu'un cheeks?

  • (ANAT). La parte laterale carnosa del viso, compresa tra lo zigomo e la bocca: baciarsi sulle g. ║ Porgere l’altra g., subire le offese senza reagire.

    (ANAT). The fleshy lateral part of the face, between the cheekbone and the mouth: kiss on the g. ║ Hand the other g., suffer offenses without reacting.

  • anal. Le parti laterali della testa di bestie macellate: g. di maiale.

    anal. The lateral parts of the head of slaughtered beasts: g. of pork.

  • fig. Ciascuna delle parti laterali simmetriche di un oggetto: la g. del fucile.

    Fig. Each of the symmetrical side parts of an object: the g. of the rifle.

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