fallire-fail: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is fallire? fallire is fail

What is fail?

  • intr.(aus. essere ). Mancare di realizzazione o compimento, venir meno: le trattative sono fallite.

    Intr. (aus. be). Failure to implement or complete, to fail: the negotiations have failed.

  • intr.(aus. essere ).(DIR). Far fallimento: la ditta è fallita.

    Intr. (aus. be). (DIR). Going bankrupt: The company went bankrupt.

  • intr.(aus. avere ). Non riuscire nel proprio intento: ammetto di aver fallito.

    Intr. (aus. have ). Failure to do so: I admit that I have failed.

  • tr. Mancare: f. il colpo.

    tr. Missing: f. the blow.

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