conquistando-conquering: अर्थ, परिभाषाएं और अनुवाद

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conquistando क्या हैं? conquistando का अर्थ conquering हैं

conquering क्या हैं?

  • Ridurre in proprio possesso con le armi.

    Reduce in one's possession with weapons.

  • Ottenere attraverso la lotta, lo sforzo, il sacrificio: c. l’indipendenza c. il successo anche tr. pron.: conquistarsi una brillante posizione sociale ║ Procurare: le sue scoperte gli hanno conquistato una discreta notorietà.

    To obtain through struggle, effort, sacrifice: c. independence c. success also tr. pron.: to conquer a brilliant social position ║ Procure: his discoveries have won him a fair amount of notoriety.

  • fig. Riuscire ad avvincere: c. il proprio uditorio ║ Far innamorare ║ Guadagnare: c. la simpatia di qcn. anche tr. pron.: conquistarsi la stima dei colleghi.

    Fig. To be able to captivate: c. one's audience ║ To make people fall in love ║ To gain: c. the sympathy of qcn. also tr. pron.: to win the esteem of colleagues.

  • fig. Far appassionare a qcs., convertire: l’ho conquistato all’amore per i libri.

    Fig. To make people passionate about it, to convert: I won him over to the love of books.

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