confideconfide: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

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ما معنىconfide؟ معنى confide هو confide

ما معنىconfide؟

  • intr.(aus. avere ). Avere fiducia, contare: c. in Dio c. solo nelle proprie forze Sperare fermamente: confidava di arrivare (o che sarebbe arrivato ) in tempo.

    Intr. (aus. to have ). Have confidence, count: c. in God c. only in his own strength Hope firmly: he trusted to arrive (or that he would arrive ) on time.

  • tr. Dire, rivelare in confidenza: c. un segreto a un amico.

    Tr. To say, to reveal in confidence: c. a secret to a friend.

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