aragoste-lobsters: meaning, definitions and translations

Italian dictionaryItalianEnglish

What is aragoste? aragoste is lobsters

What is lobsters?

  • (ZOOL). Grosso crostaceo marino, con corpo allungato, protetto da uno scudo robusto di colore bruno violaceo con striature gialle (che nel cuocersi diventa rosso aranciato), lunghe antenne, cinque paia di zampe e una larga pinna caudale.

    (ZOOL). Large marine crustacean, with elongated body, protected by a robust purplish brown shield with yellow streaks (which becomes orange red when cooked), long antennae, five pairs of legs and a wide caudal fin.

  • Come agg.(invar.): colore a.(o l’aragosta s.m.), rosso aranciato.

    As agg.(invar.): color a.(or lobster s.m.), orange red.

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