aggredito-assaulted: meaning, definitions and translations

Italian dictionaryItalianEnglish

What is aggredito? aggredito is assaulted

What is assaulted?

  • Affrontare proditoriamente e con violenza; assalire: fu aggredito da due malviventi.

    Face proditorily and violently; assault: he was attacked by two criminals.

  • fig. Attaccare polemicamente o con parole violente: a. qcn. con critiche feroci, con una scarica di insulti.

    Fig. Attack polemically or with violent words: a. qcn. with fierce criticism, with a barrage of insults.

  • fig. Affrontare con impegno e decisione: a. un problema.

    Fig. Facing with commitment and determination: a. a problem.

  • Intaccare, corrodere, sciogliere: acidi che aggrediscono i metalli un detersivo che aggredisce lo sporco.

    Affect, corrode, dissolve: acids that attack metals a detergent that attacks dirt.

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