aculei-Quills: betekenis, definities en vertalingen

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What is aculei? aculei is Quills

What is Quills?

  • Punta aguzza, pungiglione, spina.

    Pointed point, sting, thorn.

  • (ZOOL). In alcuni animali (istrice, riccio di mare, ecc.) organo pungente formato da peli modificati ║ Negli insetti imenotteri (api, vespe, ecc.) il pungiglione velenifero situato all’estremità dell’addome della femmina.

    (ZOOL). In some animals (porcupine, sea urchin, etc.) stinging organ formed by modified hairs ║ In hymenoptera insects (bees, wasps, etc.) the venomous sting located at the end of the abdomen of the female.

  • (BOT). Appendice legnosa a punta aguzza di fusti o fillomi.

    (BOT). Woody appendage with a pointed tip of stems or phyllomas.

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