espadon-swordfish: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is espadon? espadon is swordfish

What is swordfish?

  • Grande et large épée qu'on tenait à deux mains (XVe-XVIIe s.).

    Large and wide sword held in both hands (15th-17th century).

  • Très grand poisson (6 m, 500 kg) des mers tempérées et chaudes, pourvu d'un rostre de 2 m de long (d'où son nom de poisson-épée), très agressif, pêché pour sa chair savoureuse.

    Very large fish (6 m, 500 kg) of warm temperate seas, with a rostrum 2 m long (hence its name of sword fish), very aggressive, caught for its tasty flesh.

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