tasas-rates: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is tasas? tasas is rates

What is rates?

  • f. Determinación del valor o precio de algo.

    F. Determination of the value or price of something.

  • Precio máximo o mínimo a que, por disposición de la autoridad, puede venderse una mercancía.

    The maximum or minimum price at which, at the disposal of the authority, a good may be sold.

  • Impuesto o tributo exigido por determinados servicios: tasa de circulación.

    Tax or tax required for certain services: circulation fee.

  • Medida, relación entre dos magnitudes: tasa de mortalidad.

    Measurement, ratio between two magnitudes: mortality rate.

  • Medida, moderación: comer sin tasa no beneficia a tu estómago.

    Measurement, moderation: Eating without a rate does not benefit your stomach.

  • tr. Determinar el valor o precio de algo: el banco tasó sus joyas en menos de dos millones.

    Tr. Determining the value or price of something: the bank tasósed its jewels by less than two million.

  • Fijar oficialmente el precio de una mercancía.

    Officially set the price of a commodity.

  • Poner medida o limitaciones a algo: le tasaron el consumo de sal hasta regular su tensión.

    Putting measure or limitations on something: they appraised salt consumption until its tension was regulated.

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