fastidiar-teasing: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is fastidiar? fastidiar is teasing

What is teasing?

  • tr. Molestar o disgustar: le fastidia la falta de puntualidad.

    Tr. Annoy or displease: you are annoyed by the lack of punctuality.

  • col. Ocasionar daño: acabas de fastidiar la moto.

    cabbage. Cause damage: you just annoyed the bike.

  • prnl. Aguantarse, sufrir algo con resignación: no consiguió entradas y tuvo que fastidiarse.♦ Se conj. como cambiar .

    PRNL. To endure, to suffer something with resignation: he did not get tickets and had to get annoyed. It is conj. ♦ how to change .

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