agreement-accord: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is agreement? agreement is accord

What is accord?

  • The act of agreeing.

    L’acte d’être d’accord.

  • Harmony of opinion; accord.

    Harmonie d’opinion; accord.

  • An arrangement between parties regarding a course of action; a covenant.

    Un arrangement entre les parties concernant une ligne de conduite; une alliance.

  • Law A properly executed and legally binding contract.

    Loi A contrat correctement exécuté et juridiquement contraignant.

  • Law The writing or document embodying this contract.

    Droit L’écriture ou le document incarnant ce contrat.

  • Grammar Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words.

    Grammaire Correspondance en sexe, nombre, cas ou personne entre les mots.

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