deadly: significado e definições

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O que é deadly?

O que é deadly?

  • Causing or tending to cause death: deadly weapons; a deadly spill of radioactive waste products. See Synonyms at fatal.
  • Suggestive of death: a deadly pallor.
  • Aiming or wanting to kill; implacable: deadly enemies.
  • Destructive in effect: gave the film a deadly review.
  • Tending to take away vitality, effectiveness, or force: the deadly habit of procrastination.
  • Absolute; utter: deadly concentration.
  • Extreme or terrible: worked under deadly strain.
  • Extremely accurate; unerring: She is a deadly shot with the bow.
  • Dull, tedious, and boring: a deadly prose style.
  • So as to suggest death.
  • To an extreme: deadly serious.

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