speaking-parla: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is speaking? speaking is parla

What is parla?

  • Capable of speech.

    Capaç d'expressió.

  • Involving speaking or talking: has a speaking part in the play.

    Implicar parlar o parlar: té una part de parlar en l'obra.

  • Expressive or telling; eloquent.

    Expressiu o revelador; Eloqüent.

  • True to life; lifelike: a speaking likeness.

    Fidel a la vida; lifelike: una semblança parlant.

  • on speaking terms Friendly enough to exchange superficial remarks: We're on speaking terms with the new neighbors.

    en parlar termes prou amigable per intercanviar observacions superficials: estem parlant de termes amb els nous veïns.

  • on speaking terms Ready and willing to communicate; not alienated or estranged: on speaking terms again after their quarrel.

    en termes de parlar disposats i disposats a comunicar-se; no alienat o distanciat: en termes de parlar de nou després de la seva baralla.

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